without big social media followings and posting just 3x pieces of content per week.


I would be too If I were you.

But I’m not here to convince you of anything, I’m purely here to document the system my SOC clients are using.

You can decide for yourself if it lines up with the type of business and life you’re looking to build.

The 3 Pillars Of SOC

The 3 biggest problems that stop Health/Fitness coaches from growing their online businesses are:

Weak Online Offers,

Lack Of Leads,

Program Delivery Fear.

Our 3-pillar Simple Online Clients system was designed from the ground up to solve these 3 problems.


How your business is structured in terms of its core offers, the client journey, and the lifestyle you want to create for your loved ones.


How to get the attention of complete strangers and turn them into clients without a big following, big ad budget, or spending all day making content..


How you deliver incredible transformations to your online clients in a time-leveraged manner while they feel more supported than ever.



The most profitable and least stressful online coaching businesses have something key in common. They focus on RRR from the very beginning.




This means you can have a wildly profitable business without the constant pressure and stress of needing lots of new sales every month.

It’s achieved by having a business model with strong front-end and back-end offers.


Your clients get a transformational result in your front-end program then 50%+ stay on into your back-end program.

It’s simple, we build out a 12-month recurring revenue back-end offer to increase the lifetime value of each client while helping them achieve even bigger success.

This model took me from inconsistent $10k months as an online fitness coach to consistently hitting $30k+ months online.

Let’s say you have a 3-month front-end program @$2400, so your client is used to paying $800/mo.

After their initial program, we hit them with the irresistible offer of continuing the great work you’ve been doing together for half the rate they’ve been on.

You sign them onto $400/mo for 12 months, increasing that client's lifetime value by $4,800.

Their value to your business is now: $7,200

And they get the value of you helping them crush some huge goals.

I connected with Colin in May, the very first thing we did was build out his back-end offer and program, (as well as dialing in his front-end).

Look what happened to his business the following month of June, without him having to make any extra front-end sales than he usually does!

However, having a strong back-end offer doesn’t mean we don’t need new leads into your front-end offer, new leads are oxygen in your business.

So you’ll need an irresistible front-end offer too.

We use our MO1™ (Market Of One ) Strategy to create front-end offers that can easily be priced at $2k-$3k+ for a client's initial 60-90 day transformation.

Charging high-ticket means working with fewer, more committed clients.

This means less time spent on delivery, better client results, and an incredible lifestyle for you.

There are 5 key elements to a strong MO1 offer.


Who do you help?


What’s the main result you help them get?


When can they expect the result?


What's their main reason for wanting the result?


How will they get the result?

We're aiming for a $2-3k+ offer, so you can hit 10-30k/month with just 4-10 sales a month.

You need to feel PROUD to put your offer to the market, just like the hundreds of online offers we’ve helped coaches create.

You may wonder, “If I pick one market, won't I run out of clients”

The answer is a resounding “No!”

You would have to select the craziest micro-niche ever for there to not be $30k/mo potential revenue.

That’s 10 sales/mo @3k per client.

Even if your initial goal is much lower, there only needs to be 4 sales/mo @$2500 for a $10k/mo online business (just on the front end)

With the SOC Market Of One:

You're Seen As A Specialist

You Can't Be Price Compared

You're No Longer A Commodity

You Can Charge Very High-Ticket

Every Part Of Your Business Is Made 100x Easier



For the past decade, there have been two main lead-generation methods popularized for online coaches.

Neither of these actually suits 95% of health/fitness coaches looking to build their online businesses.


Use a high volume of content to try and get the attention of potential clients

Problem = This requires a quantity of time that most don’t have and positions you in a red ocean of coaches fighting the social media algorithms.

Success goes to those with the biggest followings.


Use complicated funnels and big advert budgets to drive leads into your business on autopilot.

Problem = This requires expertise that most don’t have and positions you in a red ocean of coaches with bigger advert budgets than you.

Success goes to whoever has the best funnel and biggest ad budget.

This is where the small but mighty Quantum Organic comes to the rescue.

This lead generation strategy is designed for Online Coaches who don't have big social media followings but want to consistently sign high-ticket clients each week.

It is not the typical "post a shit load of content and message complete strangers in the hope that someone applies for your program".

It's also Not...

"build a complex 5-stage funnel and rely on complicated tech and a big advert budget to get leads”

It's a strategic approach that leverages:




It's about Quality Over Quantity where less actually leads to more.

LESS Content in front of MORE relevant eyes, leading to...

MORE Convos.

MORE Calls.

MORE Clients.

Hence the name.

Quantum = The smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon.

It’s a simple 3-step process.


Off the back of your MO1 offer, you’ll already be super clear on your dream clients' main problems and pains. Construct 3x pieces of content/week to help them overcome these problems. We call these content Linchpins and we put a small advert budget behind the top performers. ($5/day)


Build a high-value resource to offer at the end of your linchpin posts. (generating inbox leads on autopilot). This resource will go even further to help your prospects solve their biggest problems and pains.


Deploy a simple 2-step process to quickly turn prospects into high-paying online clients. This consists of a quick qualification conversation via DM, then a short face-to-face consultation via Zoom.



It's common for Online Health/Fitness Pros to think that Online Fitness Coaching is delivering workouts via an app.

You could just do that but understand that there's very little value in that service (alone). It's what we call a low-ticket offer because it doesn't solve a big problem. It's just something that's nice to have (that almost any other coach could also provide)

You get paid in accordance with the severity of the problem you solve. So if you ever want to break away from $80/wk offerings, it begins with Your MO1.

Defining your Market Of One ensures you have an irresistable front-end Offer.

Once you’re speaking to one single target market, it’s easy to bring them into your world using relevant content + advert targeting.

Quantum Organic generates Leads & Sales

The final step is delivering breathtaking transformations for your online clients time-effectively. For that, look no further than the PUSH Online Delivery System I refined and optimised over 3 years as an Online Fitness Coach.

The PUSH System is a proven online Delivery mechanism, and it’s been battle-tested by me personally through 300+ online client transformations.

Yep, unlike most Business Gurus sliding into your DM’s, I’ve actually done what you’re aiming to do!

There are 7 Key elements to deliver predictable results to your online clients.

1. Roadmap

Develop a simple Roadmap with 3-5 phases each containing 1-3 basic habit requirements, the simpler the better. Personalization happens within the phases.

2. Gamification

Gamify the process for your clients for increased adherence and results

3. Community

Build a community. Your clients come for transformation

but stay for community.

4. Support

Define your touch points and check-in processes. It’s doubtful you’ll need Zoom calls (and absolutely no live zoom workouts!)

5. Onboarding/Education

Set your clients up for success with the education they need and clear onboarding. The way your clients begin is how they end.

6. Programming

All you need is a 3rd party client habit-tracking app. Don't waste weeks recording movement videos, or $$ building your own app, your clients don't care.

7. Culture

Instill a culture of accountability and ownership within your program. Committed clients are the result of the right systems and support structure.

Why Listen To Me?

In 2014 I moved to Australia from England.

I’d been working in Architecture for 8 years and I’d just turned 30, it was time for a major change.

I followed my passion for Fitness and became a Personal Trainer, and I loved it, for the first couple of years.

But by 2018 I had become disillusioned that the 40-50 hour weeks weren’t transferring over to a life that I wanted outside of the gym.

Constantly working around my client's schedules and lives had left me with a life I wasn’t happy with, but it wasn’t until my wife got pregnant with our first child that the urgency got big enough to actually do something about it.

My ‘want’ became a ‘need’ overnight. Missing bedtime stories, Saturday morning cartoons, and magical family moments wasn’t a future I was willing to accept.

The obvious escape was to use my knowledge to become an online coach, the only problem was I had no idea where to start! From there was a crazy 3 year journey from 2018-2021 with a lot of stress, wasted time, four different mentors, and more than a few mistakes!

But alas! By 2021 I’d actually managed to build a really great online business that gave us the money we wanted and the freedom of location and time. While having a great impact on people's lives. What more can we really ask for?

A business that only took me 10 hours/wk to run but consistently turned over $30k+/mo

At that point, I decided to close it down!

That sounds insane to most people, but the truth is, my interests shifted over the 3 years I spent building my online fitness coaching business.

I found myself geeking on marketing, lead gen, product development, sales, and team building. Far more than I was geeking out on health and fitness.

Over that time I also had 2 kids, got married, and got older (noooo!). In 2021 I was a different person to the one who launched my online fitness program back in 2018.

So I saw an opportunity to put myself in the main area I was passionate about while having an even bigger impact (by mentoring fitness coaches who in turn impact countless others).

Was online coaching an incredible business? Abso-fkn-lutely, for that stage of my life. It was actually a dream come true. I loved building it, made good money doing so, and it profoundly impacted over 300+ lives :)

I've since gone on to help over 100+ Fitness Professionals to mirror, or in many cases surpass, my acheivements.

How did they do it?

By understanding that in order to guarantee business success, they had to get the help they needed from someone who’s already walked the path.

Interested to hear how our SOC program works? Read on...

How Does SOC Work?

Okay, we call our program SIMPLE ONLINE CLIENTS, because that's our only focus here.

We’ll help you create a strong online offer (or tweak the one you've got), get uber-confident on your program delivery, and land a stack of new high-ticket online clients,

Without any complicated tech, funnels, cold DM’s, or needing a big following.

If we move forward together I’ll add you to our private ‘Skool’ group with me, our full-time client success coach Chris, and our small community of like-minded online health/fitness coaches.

We’ll support you closely, 1-to-1 for the next 12 weeks.

✅ You’ll have a 1-2-1 Signature OFFER session with me (to nail your online offer and set your 12-week gameplan)

✅ We‘ll help you install your Online CLIENT DELIVERY system

✅ We’ll guide you with your weekly CONTENT

✅ We’ll help you with your entire SALES process & review your calls (if you'd like us to)

✅ We’ll guide you with your LEAD GENERATION adverts

This isn’t just a ‘course’ where you’ve got to find loads of time in your busy schedule and watch endless generic videos.

This also isn’t a ‘mastermind’ where you’re thrown into a group with hundreds of other coaches and no actual 1-2-1 support or guidance.

The best part is, it's ridiculously easy to get started without any big up-front fees.

You'll get:

💪 2x 1-To-1 zoom coaching sessions every month

💪 Daily Support (24 hr max response)

💪 Additional Weekly Group Coaching Calls

💪 Extensive Library Of Plug & Play Resources

But that’s not all, there’s also our insane "LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" risk remover...

Usually when you invest time and money to work with a coach, there’s a HUGE risk on your part - right?

What if it doesn’t work? What if it’s not as good as I said? What if i'm a liar?

Maybe you’re a few weeks in, and you decide online fitness coaching isn't for you,

or you decide that my English/Aussie hybrid accent gets annoying...

In which case, if you're not loving it, just let us know and there's no obligation to continue.

You can leave, no questions asked.

So that way there's no risk to give it a go and get started.

Ready to rock? Hit the button below and drop me a DM on Instagram saying "READY"


Frequently Asked Questions:

What's the investment for the 12 weeks?

Our 12-week SOC Program is by invitation only and we sometimes run special offers, so if you'd like to find out whether you're eligible and what the current investment is, hit the button above to apply.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, 90% of the clients we help come onto a weekly payment plan so they can pay off their investment from the sales they make under our guidance.

Is there an ROI guarantee?

No, there are no guarantees of any kind. if you’re looking for someone to be responsible for your results - this is not for you. I did 5 programs with 'ROI guarantees' while building my own online fitness business from 2018-2021 and the amount of red tape to ever actually claim it makes it a BS offer in the first place. We prefer to remove the risk using our 'love it or leave it' as that brings in the right type of coaches, with the right mindset, whom we want to work with.

Can we jump on a call?

We'd rather skip the high-pressure sales call disguised as a BS 'Strategy Session' if it's all the same!

The truth is, when our program was $9k paid in full in 2022, I had no choice but to deploy that tactic, but today I'd prefer to do three things for you instead of pitching you on zoom:

1- I won't be expecting you to invest thousands to join our program

2- I'll remove the risk for you using our insane 'love it or leave it' agreement.

3- On our 1-2-1 signature offer session we'll go deep to make sure we customize the journey for your situation.

We've got 100's of client testimonials/results on this website and our Instagram if you'd like to spend some time there before applying on the button above.

Can I speak to someone who’s done the program?

We don't use our clients' time for our marketing, please watch our testimonial videos. If you still don’t believe we are the right fit yet, that's totally cool.

How quickly do your clients start making sales?

It’s hard to say as everyone is different, but it’s not uncommon for coaches to sign 5-10 clients from their initial 5-week push.

It just depends on your networks and how warm they are. If they are stone cold we just need to leverage low-budget paid adverts sooner that’s all.

We modify the path based on the requirements of each client.

I'm new to the online coaching space, will it work for me?

Yes. Over 50% of the coaches that come to us are completely new to online coaching, often having 0 testimonials and never having coached anyone online. (We ALL start there!)

Now, you could just go it alone and see what happens, but the chances are you'll just waste a lot of time and energy on the wrong things (like we all do without the right guidance)

Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the exact actions to take to grow your online business quickly and without all the confusion and stress?

How are you different from all the other business coaches in my inbox?

It's true that there are hundreds of offers out there from people promising to help you grow your online business, but there are actually 0 other offers like ours, let me explain;

I did 5 different mentorships while building my own online fitness coaching business from 2018 to 2021, paying between $5k and $25k for each one. Most of them left me worse off.

You have every right to shop the market, but I can guarantee you'll be pitched somewhere in this range (usually paid up-front) over a high-pressure sales call disguised as a 'strategy session'.

Our current offer was created for one reason, to allow health/fitness coaches to grow their online businesses simply, and without having to take out a high-risk loan.

On top of that, our SOC program itself was built off the back of the disappointments I experienced in programs personally.

There are a few key differentiators to our program/coaching:

1- I'm a coach that's actually built a successful online fitness coaching business myself (So I know what to do to succeed online)

2- I've personally been in 5 other 'mentorships' (so I know what NOT to do to coach others to success)

3- We offer more 1-2-1 support than any other program in existence (the main thing lacking from most)

The reality is, you won't find another program where you can get started growing your online business, with 1-2-1 guidance, and no big up-front fees, while being able to leave anytime!

It's completely unheard of and an insane offer for the market we operate in (which you'll realize if you speak to other 'business coaches')

But having said all that, don't join us because we're 'cheaper', only join us if:

- Our system is in total alignment with the business and life you want to build.

- You're committed to the 12 week process and ready to do that hard work required to succeed online

- You want someone to hold your hand through this journey

Are the group calls recorded if I can't make them live?



Julian Noriega

I've pulled in a lot of new clients into the program they've helped me build and I've generated over $10k of extra revenue all online.

Melanie Mckenzie

Without these guys I couldn't have done what I've done, I'm now on holiday and have an income for the first time in my 10 year PT career!

Colin Jackson

It now feels like I'm doing less but getting better results. My business has grown 250% this year since working with James!

Andrew Ransom

They've helped me develop an effective content and lead generation strategy. I doubled my revenue number!

Talia Pranskunas

They've helped me build a business that I can easily fit into my lifestyle as a mum. A simple system that works!

Jonny Cainer

I was a Personal Trainer for 23 years, my online business is now thriving, to the point that I'm now fully online, I love it!

Chris Kendall

Simple, actionable steps and a clear roadmap to grow my online business, what I've learned in 2 weeks would have taken me 5 years on my own!

Dr Todd Dersham

I've had many coaches and mentors but what I really love about SOC is they've helped me clear through the noise and get massive clarity.

Simon Lewis

I'd spent 2 years trying out online coaching with nothing to show, having started with SOC I had paying clients within the month!



Your M01™ Offer (Market Of One)


Your Lead Generation


Your High-Ticket Program


Sophie Langley

Sophie goes from £0 to £20,000 months in 24 weeks

Tevin Joseph

Tevin goes from £4,000 to £10,000 months in 24 weeks

Suzanne Haynes

Suzanne gets 11 high-ticket clients in 2 weeks

Jake Cameron

Teacher builds £10k per month online buisness in 24 weeks

Harry Baldwin

Harry builds an online business and lands 10 new clients

Christine Lexy Ong

Personal Trainer to Online Coach in under 4 weeks

Luke Tremblay

Luke makes $18,000 in 6 weeks, booking 10+ calls per week

Jon Williams

Jon signs 32 online clients in 30 days after nearly quitting